Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Yesterday as I folded clothes, I noticed a couple of pieces of my husband's underwear looked frayed, and I threw them away. Remember how our mothers taught us not to wear holey underwear because if we were in a wreck, the doc might see them? Haha. My mother would be proud of me!

After I threw away the pieces (underwear and undershirt), I added "Milton-underwear" to my Wal-Mart list. This is just a small thing I do for him. He, in turn, does small things for me. For example, he keeps my gas tank full so I don't have to pump (I hate those germy handles). That is so sweet of him. Just makes me love him all the more.

Tit for tat, is what I'd call it, meaning "you did this so I'll do that." That's a good mentality to have in marriage.

But tit for tat has a negative meaning, actually. The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase and Fable says tit for tat means, "retaliation" or "blow for blow." We sure don't need to live like that in a marriage, though sadly, some couples do.

I kept reading the entry for tit for tat and came across this: "J. Bellenden Ket says this is the Dutch dit vor dat—this for that."

Now that's what I'm meaning! This for that.

The entry also said: "Heywood uses the phrase tit for tat, perhaps the French tant pour tant."

I'm going to try to do more tit for tatting around our house. I'm going to tell Milton my thoughts on this, and maybe he'll do some more too. You know, focused tit for tatting.

And as we do this, I know it'll strengthen our marriage.

Why don't you try it?

Choose your version…

Tit for tatting…

Dit vor datting…


Tant pour tanting.

I think Milton'll like tit for tatting the best.

I can't believe I said that!


At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment is from Milton, Kristy's husband:

I'll take the tit for tatting any day. Can't tell you why on this blogspot--might lose my minister credentials.


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

My, my, my, as your mother likes to say!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger PatriciaW said...

If I ever get a chance to meet you two... You're my inspiration for many years of happy marriage!

I'm game! Think I'll go home this evening and tit for tat.

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

Patricia, you are a doll! Thanks for commenting. And I'm glad you're inspired to do some more tit for tatting in your marriage.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Southern-fried Fiction said...

A great principle to live by. The Lord once reminded me I can't get bitter and sweet water from the same well. Since I prefer the sweet ... I dwell on the good. The tit for tatting is really a living out of the sweet water principle. :o)

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

Oh, I love that, Ane--"the sweet water principle." That's great!!


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