Friday, July 06, 2007


Life got so full, I didn't have time to share it on my blog. Hence, a small update. A week in a luxurious time-share in Orlando with daughters and four grands. Glorious! A few days in St. Augustine exploring the sights. I'm a native Floridian and have been there many times, yet we enjoy taking friends. Lunch and antiquing on Amelia Island. Church work, so rewarding. A kids' crusade at church. Other church events. Church services. A missionary and wife coming tomorrow to spend the night with us and minister in our church on Sunday. Upper wisdom teeth surgically removed which necessitated a second emergency surgery and a diagnosis of cellulitis two weeks ago. Scary and painful. My teeth still won't close, hence, soups and jellos, and my mouth still won't open very much. A painful ping pong on my left cheek. Hoping antibiotics will wipe it out. Professionally, working long hours on novels and proposals.

God bless!


At 4:53 PM, Blogger PatriciaW said...


I missed you and your blog posts very much but I understand needing (or finding oneself in the middle of) a break.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Many prayers for your recovery.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

Thanks, Patricia, for your kind remark. I'm feeling much better now. Soon, I hope to blog more. God bless--

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Southern-fried Fiction said...

I wondered where you've been! I've missed your blogging. But as a pastor's wife who's a sucessful novelist, you must be one busy woman!

I'm so sorry about the wisdom teeth. That's one thing I never had. Nope. Never. Thank You, Lord. With my luck, if I'd had any, they'd have come in sideways. LOL

But does that mean I missed the wisdom, too?

Hope you're feeling better soon, Kristy.

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

Thanks, Ane, for your comments. Yes, I'm back. And will be "more" back, soon. I've missed blogging.

My mouth is healing. Thank God.

Thanks again. HOpe you're catching your breath now that you're back from ICRS. I followed your trail through the Internet!! :)


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