I started loving Reverend Billy Graham and his wife Ruth when I was a teenager. The Reverend Graham had a column in the newspaper, and I read it religiously. I admired his wisdom and knowledge. When I came across a love poem written by his wife, it spoke to my heart and I memorized it. It's called "Let Him Be Like Thee." It's a prayer poem by a young girl (Ruth) asking God to send her His choice of a mate (which God eventually did, Billy), not her choice. It resonated with me, for I was asking God for the same thing. I memorized it, and it became a guidepost for me as I treaded through the trepidatious waters of dating.
When I met Milton, I knew I'd found the one for me. He met all the criteria in Ruth Graham's prayer poem. I sat down one day and wrote my own prayer poem in response, "And So He Came." At our wedding, I quoted both of these poems (prerecorded because I was a shy, nervous bride).
I've now written a companion prayer poem to Ruth Graham's entitled "Let Her Be Like Thee" for young men to pray as they're seeking God for a mate.
I've written a novel that echoes mine and Milton's love story, and I have permission from Mrs. Graham to use her poem in my novel. One day I hope to see that story published, for the theme is "Purity before marriage and fidelity afterward bring great reward." Oh, it's so romantic!
I hope you enjoy reading "Let Him Be Like Thee" and "And So He Came," below.
I bless you in the name of the Lord today, that those who are close to you who are seeking a mate will find God's choice, the best choice. Amen.