Saturday, May 31, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy had a sleepy, slow day. She slept until 2 PM, ate a good but late lunch, and then napped the afternoon away.

We enjoyed a delicious dinner with our friends Don and Sandra as well as my sister Norma. Kristy kept sliding down in her wheelchair as she sat with us at the dining room table. The wheelchair is a new one with a head support, but we're just learning how to make it work for her. We told her she was like Jesus and His disciples who reclined. She agreed as she said with a grin that she was really humble like Him.

Then we moved out to the porch and as dusk settled in we pulled out the jokes from all of you. We read them one by one, and Kristy laughed and we all laughed together. They were all very funny.

Kristy has always included humor in our life journey and we have had some hilariously funny times together. The laughter along with God's constant presence is sustaining us.

We continue to believe God for her healing. She has said all along that God would heal her--she said that He would heal her here on earth or He would heal her in heaven. We know He is able to heal today for He answers prayer.

We enjoyed sitting on the screen porch overlooking the newly potted plants on the deck and the flowers in the back yard. I love all the colors and most of all Kristy is cheered by them.

Flowers always cheer chicks.

Did I call her a chick?


The day ended with prayer, sweet songs, and a good night kiss.

We sang We Are Christ's Ambassadors and Blessed Assurance.

Everyone knows Blessed Assurance. Who knows the first one? We sang it in our youth groups as teens ending with both hands raised toward God. Our hands are still raised.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

We were winding down for the day last night and Kristy said, "I need some laughter. I told you to get some laughter."

I said, "You mean some jokes."

Kristy responded, "I need laughter."

"There were some jokes that were on your blog today. I'll go get them now."

(This is our four year old Claudia with her cast. She is smiling and I've heard her laughing. Laughter helps us through many tough places.)

When I returned and read them to her she laughed and laughed. Anonymous sent a good one and so did Darlene in S.C. via email. She got a big chuckled and was cheered.

"We need more laughter here. Get me more laughter," she repeated.

Well folks, I need a little help here. What's your best joke? Send it and we'll see if it passes the Kristy test.

We logged in on the Internet and found more laughter for Kristy and for us. Lighten up and laugh. You'll feel better. It is medicine.

(Double click on the above arrow.)

Hey, I added the video below later in the day. It is too funny. You got to see this. I will show this clip to Kristy this evening.


After all the fun we had prayer and sang together. Kristy wanted to sing children's songs and then we sang "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" as she drifted into sleep.God is good.


Milton, here for Kristy:

It is too hard to imagine the damage that brain cancer does. I can't adequately describe what is happening to Kristy, or to us for that matter.

Riding a rickety, broken down, wooden roller coaster half off the tracks with our hands lifted high in praise to our mighty God is one way to express what is happening to Kristy and our family.

Hanging on to the Lord, having loving committed faith-filled support, and Kristy's humor are the only saving graces.

Wednesday afternoon she was struggling with her thoughts. She couldn't remember names. Her mind was breaking down. Confusion was setting in again, and all of a sudden she said, "I need a joke."

Norma said, "Let's call Ronnie Dale." So she called her husband in Wilmington, N.C. and said, "We need a joke. Tell Kristy a joke."

Ron thought for a moment and drew a blank.

I drew a blank, but thought out loud, "We've got joke books in the office. I'll go get one."

In a flash I returned with a book with 10,000 jokes in it and said, "This ought to do it. I'll read a few from this book."

With a smile, Kristy said, "Yeah, read it 'cause some of us can't read anymore."

She laughed and we couldn't help but laugh with her. She had lightened up the place again.

That's how you make it. That and lots of prayer and lots of love and faith from dear family and friends.

A new nurse's assistant came today. After being in our home a few minutes she told Norma, "There is peace in this house. I have worked for over ten years in situations like this and this isn't the way most homes are. There is peace in this house."

When Norma told this to me I thought, "There is peace in this house. The Prince of Peace is here. We know the Peacespeaker. We know Him by name. His name is Jesus."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

No one is perfect. Only one was sinless and His name is Jesus.

But when I read what Sandra reported in the last post what Kristy "preached" in her Sunday sermon about her being a sinner, it made me take pause. Kristy has lived as pure a life as I have ever known. The list of no no's that we aren't supposed to do I assure you she has kept. I don't know all the internal things going on in her mind, though I have been married to her long enough to just about read it. She is a good woman and has lived a good life. She has honored Christ with her thoughts and words and actions.

She has never been perfect and isn't perfect, but she has given her best to obey His Word and seek first His Kingdom.

I guess what I am trying to convey is that no matter how good we try to be or how good we actually live that we still have a sin problem and need a Savior.

Kristy was honest and humble about it. She said that she had sinned and realized that she needed a Savior.

Praise God that He loves us and that Jesus died so we can be forgiven of all our sins. If we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive us. He will live in us to give us overcoming power to serve Him and live free from sin's hold and bondage.

Christ conquered sin so we could overcome.

Kristy needed a Savior.

We all have sinned and come short.

We all need a Savior.

And, oh, what a Savior He is!


How is Kristy?

She had a good Tuesday and rested in the night except for a brief bout with confusion. It is amazing how she has rallied. We are trusting in One who is able to do exceeding above all we could ask or think.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Sunday after I got home from church and we had eaten lunch, Kristy said she wanted to have church. So we had church. God's presence filled the room. Here is one of several video clips I was able to make. It was a very touching and special time.

The video clip below will bless you.

Sandra ministered to Kristy and all of us as she sang and led us. Kristy wanted everyone to join is with "their" own song. The clip is just over 6 minutes or so. Watch what you can.

As you read what Sandra wrote about our "church service with Kristy" you will hear Kristy's message. She preached to all of us. I regret I didn't get it on video, but it happened suddenly and unexpectedly.
(Double click on above.)

Sandra Roberts, here for Kristy:

Kristy and I have always been very close. She's my sister-in-law, but we've been more like sisters sharing times of shopping – thrift stores, antiques, malls, outlets, you name it, we've been there. We also both love decorating…we've made many wonderful memories!

Yesterday we had a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord as we sang and worshipped the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Then, suddenly, Kristy began to cry and speak. Her daughter, Julie thought Kristy was sad and asked her, "Mom, why are you crying?" Kristy replied "I have sinned; I have sinned in my life, but because I have repented and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins, He has cleansed me.

Kristy continued, "The Word says, 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' When God sees His Son, Jesus, He sees Him as perfect. When God sees me, He sees me, not as I am, but as righteous, because He sees me through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Everyone who will come to Him and repent will also be cleansed and forgiven."

What a miracle it was that Kristy was able to speak with such clarity – we were amazed! It was as if she preached a "mini sermon."

Following Kristy's words, the Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way. He gave me a word of encouragement for Julie, Kristy's firstborn. I was impressed to tell Julie: "I have a picture, in my mind, of a Master Potter at his wheel making a beautiful vase or vessel. You are the vessel in His hands, and He wants you to know that you are a perfect, beautiful vessel.

The Lord wants you to know that you are precious to Him and He has a wonderful future planned for you. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says, 'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' I have good things in store for you, Julie, and very soon I will bring about those plans.

Be encouraged!"

How is Kristy?

She had a great Memorial Day as we cooked hamburgers on the deck and she was able to watch through the bedroom sliding glass doors. She is having bouts of confusion but keeps her trust and praise to the Lord. She is amazing.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Sundays are greatest days of the week to me. The Lord's Holy Day. A day dedicated to Him.

Kristy was resting well Sunday morning so I slipped off to church. I sat on the front row pew and worshipped. Didn't speak or do anything. This is my only recollection as a pastor of sitting in a church service and not having an active part in leading the service in some fashion. I sat on the front pew and worshipped and soaked in God's presence.

My 83 year young father preached for me. It was a great service with several dimensions--we honored Sunday School teachers, had a special salute for Memorial Day and our fallen soldiers, shared in the Lord's Table, sang worship songs of praise, enjoyed beautiful special music, and then heard a powerful message from my Dad.

I sat on the front row. I just sat there, worshipped, and let Him touch me.

Dad spoke from John 14:1&2: "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled...." He said there is trouble, but the Lord has everything in control. There is political trouble, economic trouble, global volcanic/earthquake trouble, weather trouble, and personal trouble, but....God has everything under control.

Oh, how I needed that service.

We came home from church, ate lunch, relaxed a few moments, and then out of the clear blue Kristy said, "I want to have church!"

We had church again this time with Kristy. I'll write about that service later.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

"Look there is a yellow one, and a white one, and a purple one, and a red one. Oh, the colors are sooo beautiful," Kristy whispered.

"This is a wonderful day, it's gorgeous out here," she continued.

We held hands and looked out through the back porch onto the deck which I had lined Friday afternoon with fresh potted flowers. She looked down into the yard where there were more flowers just planted.

We basked in the moments sitting together thanking God for His goodness and grace, for each other, for love yet growing and blessed.

After twenty or so minutes in her wheel chair she needed to move inside to a more comfortable place. Those moments are etched into my mind never to be forgotten regardless of the future.
I planted these flowers and put them on the deck where she can look out from the bedroom sliding doors onto the screen porch to the deck. She asked to go out to the porch which is something she hadn't done. I guess she could feel the beauty of the day and wanted to enjoy.

These are cherished memories enjoying beautiful flowers with the love of my life.

How Is Kristy?

She rested well Saturday night after a very rough evening. The confusion and physical weakness are more and more difficult, but we work with her to get her up as much as possible.

She keeps praising God for His goodness.

Oh, what marvelous faith and trust she has in her Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Claudia got her broken arm set Friday and is a busy little girl again. Jennifer said Claudia wants the cast off now, but it will be a number of weeks before she is free of it. Hopefully she has learned that she is not superman or supergirl.

Thanks for all your prayers for Claudia, Jennifer, and our family. Pray now for Jennifer to have strength and wisdom to help busy little four year old Claudia through this time.

Kristy was up some today, but is not resting well late this evening (Saturday). Pray that God will settle her and give her a good nights rest.


Milton, here for Kristy:

Our precious Julie has returned home for a few days and wrote the following thoughts. As you will read, Kristy has rallied some though she faces so many unbelievable hardships. She doesn't complain and still proclaims the goodness of the Lord.

The pictures were taken Friday evening in our family room. You will read how Kristy got everything just right for these pictures in Julie's post.


Julie, here:

I got my mama back!

We had the best night tonight! I got in this afternoon from Tampa and was so happy to see my mother sitting in the recliner in the living room. For the most part these past weeks she has laid in a hospital bed either at hospice or here at home. It has broken my heart to see my sweet, industrious mother laying in a bed all day just staring at the ceiling, unable to sit up on her own, feed herself, have a conversation, or even just watch T.V. with me. I wrote the following this past week:

I want my Mama!!!

As I sat by my mother's bed late Saturday night, those were the words that were repeating themselves in my mind. You know how young children cry, "I want my mommy!" That's how I felt. I wanted her to get up and to talk with me. I wanted us to turn on HGTV and talk about decorating styles. I want my mother back…

Well, I got her back just a little bit tonight! Aunt Sandra, Uncle Terry, Aunt Becky, Uncle Don, Dad, and Sandra and Don Barfield were here with us tonight. We enjoyed a lovely dinner that some of my parents' dear friends prepared for us. It was so nice to sit at my parents' kitchen table and eat with my mom sitting in the same room with me, so close by. The other day I ate there and thought about how she would never sit at that table with us again, and how sorely I missed her and would miss her in the future.

Mom did experience a lot of confusion tonight, but she was also very alert and was clear a lot of the time. Not only was she clear, she was down right funny! We had such a good time! When it was time for Dad to put her in the wheelchair and take her back to her bed, she wanted some pictures.

She asked us to go get her lipstick. She would not let Dad pick her up, and she would not let Uncle Terry take her picture until she had her "orangey lipstick" on! She hasn't asked about makeup or even been alert or aware enough to want it in weeks! And if you know my mother, she has always worn her special shade of lipstick all of the time, especially for pictures!

It's quite a process getting her back in her bed, but after we all got her back in her bed, she began to get upset. She became confused and thought she was going to miss her flight.
She said, "Oh no! I've delayed them. I'm holding everything back. I've burdened everyone."

She wanted to have a talk with all of us girls and she told us how thankful she was of the good care we've given her and how much she loved us. She said she wanted to pay for our tickets too because we have and will pray for her and will support her. She was worrying about leaving things behind. She pulled the covers up and looked down at her feet to see if she had her heels on. She said she would need to bring her light weight shoes. She asked us if we were coming too.

I lay with her, rubbing her head, and as she dosed off she said, "Oh no!"

I said, "What's wrong?" She said, "Where are my tickets?"

Even through all of her confusion this evening, I enjoyed this time with my mother. We were able to sit in the same room during dinner, we were able to watch a movie (we watched a movie about Ruth Graham), and best of all we laughed together. That is true happiness on my face in these pictures.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

If you use a straight line approach, you would have to pass over more than 300,991,00 Americans before Kristy would get a GBM brain tumor.

Senator Ted Kennedy has the same form of brain tumor as Kristy. One of the bits of info that has come out of the news of Kennedy's brain tumor is that 9,000 American are diagnosed with GBM tumors each year.

Think of it.

The odds are 33,444 to 1 or .0029% chance that Kristy would get a GBM.

33,444 to 1

Put 33,444 quarters in the street in front of your house. Mark one of those quarters, just one, and throw in back in the pile. Then see if you can randomly pick it out of the pile the first time with your eyes closed.

That begs the questions how? Why?



The Enemy?


Statistical Averages?

Eternal Purpose?

There are answers but not always clear, but that is where faith and trust come to the front. We serve One who see all and knows all. His purposes are higher... We do know whom we trust.

Three days back I had an overwhelming feeling, an impression, that I had to be more alert, sensitive, perceptive to what is happening with Kristy. It was like a spiritual shaking of my deepest parts not to miss the moment for God was deep, very deeply at work. God wasn't speaking audibly but I felt His voice within my being.

Please pray that God will help me to draw closer to Him and allow Him to connect His higher work and will in me and my family so we will see His glory.

There isn't always an obvious and clear answer to those questions, but there is One who knows all and is in charge of all.

I choose to trust in Him.


I was out of the house briefly last evening with Terry, Kristy's brother. We returned and Terry happened to walk in ahead of me. He greeted Kristy and she responded to him.

She said, "Where's my man? I want to hug "my man."

Oh, that made my day!


While I was out last evening for a few moments, I got a call that Claudia, our four year old granddaughter, had tried to fly like super man, but crashed and broke her right arm just above the wrist.

All is well, but the "mommy" was shaken.

Claudia cried asking for Nana.

Emotions wash over all of us.

Claudia will have her arm put into a permanent cast today. Pray for her and her mommy, Jennifer.

How is Kristy?

She was subdued on Thursday dealing with confusion but gamely engaging us as much as possible. We brought her into the family room and put on a "Gaither" video. Her little toes began to move with the music and all of us felt His love.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy had a better day Wednesday. She is very weak but still has a smile and twinkle in her eye. Praise continues to flow from her lips sharing the goodness of God.

Rebecca, Kristy's sister, has watched over her little sister with so much loving care. I have asked her to post a blog today. She is such a huge help. Our family is standing together in the strength of God.

The pictures below are Kristy on the left and Rebecca on the right. Weren't they cute cowgirls. Jan and Pam, their cousins, came by with their Mom, Aunt Joe, to see Kristy and brought several pictures from the past. Aren't old family photos great!


This is Rebecca (Kristy’s big sister)

Kristy is a precious sister – creative, talented, beautiful and loved by so many. I love her with all of my heart, and I am so very proud of her. We have had so many wonderful and endearing times together – times that I cherish.

I have seen Kristy’s strength in God throughout this ordeal; I have witnessed first hand God’s peace that surrounds her. Even in her weakened state, I have seen all of this as well as her humor and happiness. In her quiet, soft, weakened voice she tells us, “Don’t be sad; just rejoice; this is the day the Lord has made.”

I remember when Kristy was born and Mama and Daddy brought her home from the hospital. I was 10 and loved taking care of her and Terry (he was 2). I became their “little mama.”

Because I was so much older than Kristy and Terry, as they were growing up, Mama used to tell me that if anything ever happened to her, she wanted me to promise her that I would take care of them. I assured her that I would.

Now, I have to put Kristy in God’s hands. It’s so sad to see her like this…no, it’s more than sad…unexplainable, but the most wonderful thing I can do is entrust her to Him and His divine will for her life. How I would love to see her rise out of her bed, completely and wonderfully healed, and though I don’t understand why it hasn’t happened yet, I still have faith.

I have been so blessed to be able to be here with her, with family and close friends, to gather around her bed and sing songs of praise and express our love for each other. Truly, as Kristy says, God is good.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Tuesday I had to be away to the church for the morning. When I returned home, I went into the bedroom and sat by Kristy's hospital bed. We kissed and shared our love for each other.

As I sat by her bed some time passed with us just looking at each other. The room was quiet with very soft worship music in the background. Kristy is having increased difficulty communicating clearly and gets confused easily. We try to minimize asking lots of questions, but I had to asked her, "What are you thinking, not sure if she could answer?"

As she lay in the hospital bed moments passed and she turned to me said, "About all the fun we have had."

Sweet wonderful memories filled the room. Oh, the fun things we have done together.


Late Tuesday night after the lights were out, Kristy struggled with attacks against her mind. She thought someone was in the room to hurt her. I held her hands and assure her I would protect her and we sang, "Peace, peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit for ever I pray in fathomless billows of love."

We sang it over several times. She would pause and tell me how much she loved me. I whispered my love back to her.

She said, "God is sooo good to me."

We drifted into sleep.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Milton, Here for Kristy:

I have asked Terry, Kristy's brother, to write an account of a most precious time with Kristy that happened Monday. As the day ended Julie, Terry, Rebecca, Jennifer in Puerto Rico by phone, and I shared in these tender moments with Kristy.

Kristy awakened this morning brighter and hungry. God's presence is in her room and His glory is touching our lives.

(This picture was taken on Saturday afternoon just before Julie took Alex and Nic back to Tampa. Julie returned and is here with us.


Terry, here:

Yesterday Kristy was weaker and, except for one episode, more sedate. The episode I refer to began with a bout of nausea. When we tried to give her medicine to address that, she became agitated. In her mental confusion she couldn't seem to understand why she needed the medicine, and refused it. We even put the medicine in some food and she refused that as well.

Because Kristy has had such peace and serenity throughout this ordeal, times like this are all the more difficult for us as her family. We felt so helpless – wanting to relieve her suffering, but not able to. My sister, Rebecca, left the room momentarily to call Hospice for their advice. The rest of us were standing around Kristy's bed, silently wondering what would happen next. Tension hung in the air. Then, Kristy shifted her head and with a far-away look and a weakened voice that was little more than a whisper, began to sweetly sing,

"This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Oh, this is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord."

Instantly the tension broke and tears began to flow from our eyes as the presence of the Lord filled the room. We joined in singing with her:

"Celebrate the presence of the Lord;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Oh, celebrate the presence of the Lord;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord."

Truly the presence of the Lord is our comfort. We will make it if He is with us. When He comes, the crushing weight of the burden lifts. We don't so much need what He can do for us. We just need Him. "Yea, though I walk through the valley…I will fear no evil for Thou art with me."


After this incident Kristy slept most of the day, showing little response. Later, in the evening, I stood at her bed again and told her I loved her. Then I asked if there was anything I could do for her. Suddenly her eyes shone with the light of realization, and she began to cry. "This is my time," she said. "Help me… (mumble, mumble) … not be afraid."

I said, "Kristy, are you afraid?"

"No," she said, "…but ya'll…"

"You want us not to be afraid?" I asked.


I said, "Kristy, do you have peace?"

"Oh, yes!" Though her voice was weak, she spoke with conviction.

About that time Milton walked in and began to tell her how much he loved her. She responded in kind, then asked us to call Rebecca and Julie. We all gathered around. Julie called Jennifer and put her on the speaker phone. And Kristy told us how much she loved us and appreciated us all, and asked us to tell all the members of our family how much she loved them.

Again the tears were flowing. What I felt during these moments was a mixture of joy and pain: Joy over her simple, sweet faith in Jesus that erupts in a song even in her darkest moments. Joy over her constant concern for everyone else's comfort and encouragement. And pain – exquisite pain – pain that stabs at your heart like a knife, because you can't bear the thought of letting her go, this priceless jewel.

Again we sang "This is the day the Lord has made…". Then, Milton led us in a prayer for Kristy and all of the family and we had a time of sweet worship.

Julie and Jennifer were able to share their love with their mother and Kristy expressed over and over her love for all of us.

Kristy spoke what has become her mantra, "God is sooooo good!", and we all rejoiced in the goodness of the Lord.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Kristy, here. Written on 9/10/05:


Milton and I celebrated our anniversary on August 14. That night, we went to Sonic Burger and ate onion rings dipped in ketchup, a hamburger (me), a foot-long dog (him), and milkshakes. It was so romantic, sitting there on the picnic tables with waiters whizzing by on roller skates (we got out of the car because it was so hot). Heehee.

We would've gone somewhere fancy, but we'd had two week-long trips to Denver this summer where we'd eaten in wonderful restaurants plus we had upcoming reservations for a two-night stay at The Florida House Inn B&B on Amelia Island, so we were satisfied with Sonic.

Funny thing is, that afternoon he asked me where I'd like to go to eat. I thought Sonic Burger. I said where do you want to go? He said Sonic Burger. I said I was thinking the same thing. So that's where we ended up.

Then we went to the beach and walked hand in hand on the seashore, the surfers in the water trying to catch a wave and the fishermen on the pier trying to catch a fish.

It's nice when you don't have to impress each other anymore. Love for a lifetime is a comforting love and a comfortable love. Oh, there are still sparks. I encourage couples to revisit the sizzle, meaning keeping sparks alive in your marriage.

That's what Milton and I teach in our Joy in Marriage seminars. But it's great having a spouse who can almost read your thoughts.

Now, if we just won't start looking like each other!! They say that's what happens to couples. Wonder what I'll look like with black hair and him with red? :)


Milton, here:

I went back to Kristy's past posts and read. Oh, how this woman oozes love. She turned me into a romantic long ago. How very blessed I am to share life with one so dear and special.

There were so many revealing posts that reflect her love, my love, and our marriage. She has been transparent in her writings about our lives and God's goodness.

The post from 9/10/05 tells part of our love story. It is a love story that grows. I wanted to shared it again for her.

By the way, I have taken her to nice, wonderful resturants all over America. We both wanted something simple that night. It was fun!

How is Kristy?

Kristy rested all day on Sunday. Thankfully the attacks against her mind were not as severe as Friday and Saturday. We continue to trust in One who is more than able to meet every need.

God is good.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy had a subdued Saturday. She was rather quiet with some confusion. The day ended well with a sweet kiss and a loving good night.

Julie took Alex and Nic to their father Saturday afternoon and returned. It was tough watching their Nana hug them bye as the boys left.


My love for Kristy began like this:

I was a senior in college taking a sophomore course which I needed to graduate. It was a psychology class taught by Crandel Miller. Just as the class began, I quickly asked Kristy if I could talk with her after class.

She later told me that she thought I was going to speak to her about making a missions pledge as I was the student missions president for Southeastern Bible College now Southeastern University. She said she worried the whole class wondering what I wanted to speak to her about.

I had always loved redheads as I had dated several and Kristy was and is such a beauty. Actually, I had just broken up with another redhead, but Kristy had caught my eye.

Her creamy white, china doll skin was smooth and so fair.

Her eyes were deep emerald green with sparkly twinkles of life.

Her hair. Oh, her most beautiful bright red hair.

Even at a distance as I didn't really know her that well, her wit, humor, love of life, and deep commitment to the Lord caught me.

She was pure, sweet, and gloriously wonderful.

My eyes have been on her ever since.

"Would you go to chapel this Friday night with me," I asked?

After we were married, Kristy told me that she was so relieved that I wasn't going to talk about her missions pledge that she quickly said, "Yes."

We had our first date in a Friday night chapel service and I never dated another from that day forward. Kristy had won my heart.

Crandel Miller had a famous saying he made over and over. Every student that took his classes remembers it until this day. He said, "What you feed grows. What you starve dies."

My love for Kristy began that day. It is still growing.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Thank you all so very much for your kind comments, faithful prayers, and genuine concern. You lift our spirits and faith by your wonderful support. God's family is the best family!

Kristy had a good day Friday except for a brief tough bout with severe confusion late in the afternoon. She has faced moments where her mind is challenged with thoughts that are not hers.

Pray that God will keep her mind safe in Him.

She rested well in the night and is rejoicing that this the day the Lord has made. We will be glad in it.


I love this picture collage that she made with each of the grandchildren. The picture is actually four that she took in the same pose over the years as they grands were born. She has it in a frame on the night stand next to our bed.This is one organized lady who gets things done.


A couple of nights ago late in the night, Terry came into our bedroom to check on Kristy. Terry as well as my sister Norma, and Rebecca and so many others have helped untiringly to make sure the best care possible is being given to Kristy. They are an unbelievable suport to Kristy and me.

The room was dark and Terry couldn't see Kristy very good. He got closer and closer to her and then had to get real close to her face to see if she was awake or asleep.

All of a sudden, Kristy said, "BOO!"

Terry was jolted, but found that Kristy was OK.

This is an unbelievable tough situation and trial. But a lot of God and a little humor goes a long way to help you through the bad places.

Kristy hasn't lost her joy, peace, or humor.

She is covered by a cloud of peace and is resting in a chair of strength.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy is having a restful day. She fed herself this morning and is enjoying having Julie, Alex, and Nic here.

God is good.


For several weeks I had looked for Kristy's set of car keys that I had misplaced. Actually I had hidden them a few of months ago because I was concerned that while I was away from the house that Kristy might get confused and decide to drive somewhere. She hasn't driven since Nov 7, 2007, after her eye doctor said she had lost peripheral vision which led to her brain cancer diagnosis.

I couldn't remember where I had hidden them.

Don't laugh. You do things like this too.

I had looked all over the house repeatedly in the places that I thought I had placed them. Over and over I searched for them. My family had also looked for me and none of us could put our hands on them. It got to be very frustrating. Someone suggested that I pray about it and really I had prayed several times.

Have you ever lost something? I guess all of us have experienced losing items. One of my sisters lost her sun glasses only to find them on the top of her head. A sister-in-law was looking for something that she realized she literally was holding in her hand. Now, that’s bad.

Yesterday my sister Norma and Kristy's sister Rebecca were looking for a cake platter. They looked all over and asked me where it was. I looked and it was sitting right in front of them on the kitchen counter. HA!

Another sister-in-law told me that she once asked her husband where her sun glasses were and he said that they were on her head.

She felt her hair and said, "Where?"

He said, "They are on your face. Your wearing them!"

Thursday morning I prayed again and asked the Lord, “Please help me find these keys.”

I looked again with no results, but few moments later my sister, Norma, was helping with a matter as we were moving some items in the bedroom. All of a sudden there the keys were. For weeks I had searched for them and bingo, there they were.

I turned to Kristy's bed and prayed with Norma, "Dear Lord, you just helped me find Kristy's keys because I sincerely asked for your help. Kristy is more important to you than a set of car keys. Please, Dear Lord, touch her and make her well. I trust you and and know that she is in your hands. Amen."

Prayer works. It really, truly works. If we will turn to Him in sincerity in prayer, He will answer. God will help you if you have lost something or need help in another area. There is nothing to big or too small for the Lord.

Ask. Seek. Knock. That is the process. Try it again today. It works. I know. I found the keys.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy had another good day. She was up in our family room again and has enjoyed being where the action is.

Last night when she was ready to go to the bedroom, she asked, "Ya'll aren't going to party now are you?" She didn't want to miss anything.

By the way, that was a great kiss!

See that string hanging off that picture? It looks like a kite flying on the wall. Actually it is a Kristy creation. She sewed a cover for the cord hanging down from the light for the painting. What else can this woman do? Only God knows.

She is experiencing more confusion and works hard at staying alert and involved. It is very difficult for her and for us.

Yet, God is good.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

There is nothing like singing to cheer the heart. Church singing is the best. Our family loves to praise and worship and Tuesday night Kristy wanted us to sing a good ole' hymn--she winked and said, "Not a 'HIM'."

Kristy and I met as students at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. We traveled and sang in the choir--though not dating at the time. We loved to sing then and we love to sing praises to God even more now. We married right after my graduation in 1971, and all of our marriage as been spent worshipping God, singing His praise, and leading people to Him.

Sing along with us if you can keep up with Kristy on the second one. I couldn't keep up, but maybe you can.

(Double click on the link above to watch the video.)

The third verse of At Calvary says, "Now I've given to Jesus everything, now I gladly own Him as my King, now my raptured soul can only sing of Calvary." What wonderful words to sing to Jesus when we truly mean it.

What have you given Jesus?

Oh, that we may give Him everything.


How is Kristy?

She has been sitting in the family room all day. This is her first time up in almost two weeks.

God is good.


Milton, here for Kristy:

Yesterday was one beautiful day in Jacksonville. Kristy enjoyed looking out our bedroom onto our porch and back yard. The birds were singing and the flowers were beautiful. We opened the sliding doors and listened all day to the winds blowing in the trees.

She had rallied and throughout the day we enjoyed singing and sharing God's goodness. I am going to post a video of us singing last night before bedtime. She wanted a hymn. She said not a "HIM".

Every day is a glad day in Jesus.

Rejoice! This is the day the Lord has made.


I like to asked her how much she loves me. So I asked her that again yesterday.

She answered with sweet passion, "I love you with all my mind, soul, body, and spirit."

Then she asked, "And how much do you love me?"

"With all my mind, soul, body, and spirit," I said.

Our love and dearness has grown throughout our marriage. It is sweeter now than ever.

Hey, doesn't she look good in gold too?

Can you see her love?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy rested again in the night. She was very confused last evening, but still has her sweet, peaceful smile. Her kind loving hands weakly reach out to love those near.

Julie's boys, Alex and Nic, have know for some time that Kristy has been sick. They saw their Nana a week ago and knew that she was very ill and would ask if she was going to die. We would tell them that everyone dies at some time, and then they would ask where do you go when you die? We would tell them that you go to heaven if Jesus is in your heart and that would suffice.

Last night Julie played the video (April 14 post) of Kristy singing to her grandchildren and then later told them that Nana was going to heaven. Their hearts broke with hard tears.

Julie is a single mom and was in Tampa where she lives. They called and I talked with them and comforted them. Alex is eight and Nic is five, almost six. Alex understands this loss and Nic is not sure what is happening.

We wept and talked over the phone and I shared how much Nana loves them and how they are special little boys. I call Alex my "best pal" and Nic my "best buddy". I assured them that Papa would be with them and loved them and that they are special little boys. Alex said, "You are a special Papa." They received comfort and went to bed, Alex sleeping with Nana's picture in his hand.

Little ones are resilient but they need love, security, and comfort. Please pray for God's shield and grace to be with them today and these next days.

Jennifer's children, Claudia and Lorenzo, are four and two. They deeply love their Nana too.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy had a good night's rest. She enjoyed Mother's Day with Julie and talked with Jennifer on the phone. God's presence is so strong and sweet around her in our bedroom and home.

Kristy wants to go to heaven. She deeply loves her family and can hardly bear the thought of leaving us, but her desires have turned toward heaven. In the last days, she has told us she has seen her mother and father who are in heaven and she wants to see Jesus.

Kristy's passion for living life with pizzazz, enthusiasm, and high energy is known by all who have met her. She loves people, loves helping people, and loves seeing them blessed. She told me weeks ago that if the Lord did not heal her that leaving us was a thought to hard to bear. She loves her "hero husband" as she has labeled me. She is thrilled and thankful for two adorable daughters and is just crazy about her grands.

Her dreams are yet many and her desire for life is so great.

This is hard for her and hard for us. She is torn between two worlds while yet resting in His strength and covered with His peace. It is a paradox.

When I prepared to preach sweet Esther Rampton's funeral last Friday, the Lord raised the curtain of Glory and Eternity just a bit for me to catch a greater view of this picture. I don't understand it all and I'm torn between two worlds too, but this clearer view has helped me. The "why" is not as unbearable. God is doing a greater work in us and others beyond our natural vision.

God is in charge here. He is at work. He will help us.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Julie, here:

My sweet mother…

I cried this morning as I read my mom's blog and the comments that have been posted. Pam Meyers posted the following song. And that IS how it feels here.

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel His mighty power and His grace
I can hear the brush of angels' wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place

Thank you to all of you for your love, support, and prayers. Your love and concern mean more to me than you'll ever know. My sister expressed what your prayers feel like perfectly- like a sweet wave of quiet peace.

My heart is aching and is so filled with emotion, like it's going to burst.

All I can think of is how sweet my mother is. I can't bear the thought of not having her here. She has always been the most loving and giving wife, mother, and Nana. I've always described her as the most talented woman on earth. She can paint, sew, write, sing, speak, cook, you name it- she can do it. And I mean do it expertly.

I don't understand why God is taking her so early, but I am SO thankful that she is my mom. I'm so thankful that this did not happen to her when I was younger. I am so thankful I've had some adult years with her. She has taught me so many things. She has touched me and has made such a huge impact on my life. I am going to miss her so much. I want more time with her. How blessed I am to be a part of this family. She is so sweet.

The things that have been written about my mother and father are all so true. I know. I've seen them in public and behind closed doors. Our family is not perfect. But my mom and dad's story is the truest example of real love. It's all about choice. They choose each other every day. They choose to love and to forgive. They've been strong for my sister and me. They've supported me in the toughest of times. They've given wise advice. They've modeled love, grace, faithfulness, and commitment.

My mom is young. I want her here so badly. I want more time to cook with her, to shop with her, to have lunch and laugh with her. More time to spend on vacation with her and my father, sister, and our four kids. She's been the best nana in the world! She's so thoughtful and has done so many things for Alexander, Nicholas, Claudia, and Lorenzo. I can't imagine her not being here. Even in her busy world, where she was accomplishing so much, she took the time to come and work with me- in my classroom, in my home… I could write forever on how special she is and on all she has done for me. She is amazing.

These past months have been so hard. I've felt so empty. It's difficult trying to make sense of this. For the first time this past week, I felt a little bit of strength… a little bit of joy… a little bit of hope for the future… The way I used to feel, before she became sick. Like my sister said before. It's time to rise up, and to follow in her footsteps. What a wonderful model and example she has been. I never dreamed in a million years something would ever happen like this to my mom. She's so strong and healthy.

Even though my heart feels like it's being ripped out, somehow her words still play in my mind…"It's going to be all right…" That's what my sister heard the night we found out about my mom. That's what my mom said to my boys last weekend. I know she will be so happy in heaven. But we will miss her here so much. There will be a hole left when she's gone. Her special touches on everything will be so greatly missed by us.

I'm trying to decide what to do today. About going home to my boys- this is their weekend with him. About my work, etc… And I just feel like I don't want to leave her. I can't describe her sweetness and the peace that flows around and from her.

Her sweetness is radiating in our home. Oh mom, thank you for who you are and for all you've done. Happy Mother's Day. I love you so much. ---Julie


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy gave me two beautiful, wonderful, most precious daughters, Julie and Jennifer pictured above her bed. She has loved them, cared for them, and nurtured them all the days of their lives. Her love reaches out even now in sweet, brief whispers.

Thank you Kristy.

Happy Mother's Day




Kristy rested through the night and woke early talking some but with pain. Our faith and trust in Him keeps us and sustains us. He is faithful.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

I have three sisters who all married ministers. Two of them are here as I type. My youngest sister, Janet, lives in St. Petersburg, FL, and called a few moments earlier and shared a vision she had in prayer of Kristy and our home.

She said she saw angels present in our home that were here to stand watch over Kristy. She said they would stay until Jesus came.

We wept with comfort and thanksgiving to know the Lord has sent angels who are watching over us.

Janet is a sweet wonderful young mother and pastor's wife--not given to over dramatic emotions. The truth is that angels are sent to watch over us according to God's Word.
We know angles are present. I sense their presence and even more I sense His presence.

Kristy has gotten weaker today. She whispers with great effort and has not eaten. We are trusting Jesus and His care for her.


Milton, here for Kristy:

Jennifer wrote the following on her blog:

I'll see you soon

I've said before I'm not going to tell my mom goodbye.

With mom, I don't believe in goodbyes.

I don't understand why she has to leave this earth so early, I think we all thought she'd make it into her 90's. Not unusual for our family. However in the big scheme of it all I believe we are a breath away right behind behind her.

I left on Thursday and before leaving I wanted to let her know I was heading back home to Puerto Rico, to my son and husband.

I arrived at Hospice very early and sat by her bed watching the clock tick down the hours and minutes, knowing soon we'd be separated.

An hour before I left it was just the two of us in the room. She was sleeping peaceful and I sat by her bed, holding her hand and looking at her. It was a sweet moment, I prayed over her and committed her to Jesus. I told Him I gave her over to His care and trusted Him completely with this precious treasure whom I'm blessed to call my mother.

Before I left I held her close and told her I was leaving. She was alert and looked deep into my eyes and understood what I said. Her first concern was Lorenzo, my two year old. "Poor Lorenzo, he's been away from us for so long." She said.

We hugged and she held me tight and kissed me over and over saying "I love you." I pulled back, looked into her beautiful green eyes and told her I'd see her soon.

As I turned away she whispered "Be at peace." I turned back saying "mom, I'm at peace and you be at peace too. Everything was going to be ok."

I walked away looking back over my shoulder and our eyes locked.

Something that has happened only one other time after her surgery occurred. It's hard to describe but it's as if our souls were communicating without words, we were connected. Our hearts speaking to each other. In my heart I felt her comforting me and I heard "this isn't goodbye, we will see each other soon."

It was a mother and daughter knowing the time had come to be separated, not wanting to say goodbye. In that moment it was as if we both knew we'd always be connected, death can't sever us and soon we will meet again.


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy rested in the night but with some pain. Her spirit is light and she keeps sharing about God's goodness.


Last evening I was in the family room with Norma and Ron and Judy, who are also ministers and family by marriage. We were laughing over something funny that happened. The nurse came into the room and for a moment we thought we had disturbed Kristy.

Norma went with the nurse back into the bedroom and Kristy was lying there with a smile on her face as she suspected what we were doing. Norma said, "We're telling our funny stories."

Weakly but naturally, she raised her hand and elbow and snapped her fingers in a humorous manner that let us know she was disappointed that she had missed a good funny.

That's Kristy.


Here is what we were laughing over:

While in Hospice, one of the nurses commented to Sandra, Kristy's sister-in-law, about how sorry she was that her daughter, Kristy, was in Hospice.

Sorry, Sandra, it was too funny not to tell.

We do love you. I didn't really want to share this story but your brother, Ron, made me. Oops! I forgot, he has gone back home. Who can I blame?

Friday, May 09, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

This morning Kristy woke up bright eyed. We brushed her teeth and then Sis (Norma) said, "How about some breakfast?" Kristy nodded yes.

Norma said to me, "Brush your teeth and give her a kiss." Then she asked if Kristy wanted some perfume?

Kristy responded with a wink, "Yes, and forget the breakfast!"

"Well....!" Norma said, "I guess Kristy is frisky again."

The nurse's eyes had questions.



This is a blog on christian romance, isn't it?


Esther Rampton went to heaven Tuesday night.

She was a precious 91 year young saint from our church who was brought to the Hospice Center into a room across the hall from Kristy. I ministered to her and her family and prayed for the loving arms of Jesus to wrap around her and receive her into heaven. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left the room to walk back across the hall.

This morning I will preach her funeral at our church. Heaven is the goal. Sweet Esther made it.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

God works miracles. Kristy is home.

When she was checked in at the Hospice Center, I was told she was not going home soon. It looked bleak, but God answers prayer and she is home. She is very weak but has brightened up.

Medically, the prognosis is still the same but our faith and trust in Him is strong. God is more than able!

She has witnessed God's goodness and love every step of the way and that continues. I will share how she let her light shine bright even in her darkess hours. Jesus is in her and He is the light that outshines all darkness.

The McGraw Community Hospice Center team did a super job for Kristy and me. We will forever be grateful.

Kristy is home!
Kristy is home!
Kristy is home!

God is good.


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy will be going home this afternoon. She is stable and not having pain or nausea. She continues to doze through the day but is also alert and very clear in her thinking, though occasionally mixed with confusion.

As a couple we have always prayed together and this continues in our lives and especially with Kristy. Yesterday she pulled Jennifer close and had Julie on the phone and offered sweet prayers for God's blessings on their lives and their children and family. She will often lift her eyes toward Heaven, remembering those in need. It is so sweet and tender to see her loving, caring heart, again bearing the burden of others.

If there is a takeaway from today's post it would be to make sure you are praying for those dear and special to you. God answers prayer and if you will call on His name for the needs of your loved ones, He will hear and answer.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Cloud of Peace at Hospice

Norma here (Milton's sister):

Kristy and Milton have mentioned many times about the "cloud of peace" that has surrounded Kristy since this journey began. It is still with her in the hospice room...

I too am a pastor's wife and have been with many as they have faced the most difficult times of their lives. I have witnessed the tangible presence of God as some drew near to heaven. Again, I am witnessing the awesome truth and promise that He is with us no matter if we ascend to the highest heavens or descend to the depths of the sea. No matter what we face He is with us.

Kristy is always planning, coordinating, arranging and making sure everything is just right...she is still doing that! Amazing how one so weak can keep us all straight!

Last night I mentioned that my son, Bryan, was sick and Kristy immediately raised her hands and began praying for him! So very much the way she has lived her life...caring for the needs of others.

Thank you all for your prayers for Kristy, Milton, Julie, Jennifer and our family.

Norma McGee


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy rallied Tuesday afternoon and may go home Thursday afternoon. She is not hurting and is able to talk and share her love though with some confusion.

She has told me to tell everyone how much she loves all her dear love ones and friends. "Tell them I love each one of them," she said.

I picked up Claudia from the childcare center where she stayed yesterday and as we drove back to the hospice center she asked "Does God wear a blue dress?"

I was shocked at such a question and wondered why she would think in such a fashion. As I was driving I quickly turned and looked at the back seat where she was seating and noticed she was looking at a bible storybook.

She held it up and said "Here look!" and I saw a picture of Jesus in a blue robe.

I told her, "That's Jesus".

A few moments passed and then she asked, "Is Jesus The Lord?".

That's a pretty deep question for a four year old I thought and then I asked myself that question in light of all we are facing.

With assurance and resolve I said to Claudia, "Yes, Jesus truly is the Lord!".

He is everything we need today and is Lord of every situation no matter how hard it may be.

And we continued our drive to the hospice center.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Every day brings new challenges as we walk this journey of faith. Kristy rested most of Monday and is sleeping more and more.

She rouses when family enter the room and shares her sweet warm smile and loving heart.

I am continuing to post as this has been her specific request from the beginning.

Our dear family members and friends are standing with us and we are all thankful.

Kristy feels she is going to heaven soon. We are praying for her healing and know that our Lord is with her and will keep her.

Monday, May 05, 2008


Milton, Here for Kristy:

Kristy rested well during the night but is experiencing increasing drowsiness, which concerns the doctor and nurses. They will do an evaluation today to better determine her status. Thankfully, she is not experiencing pain or nausea, and we are grateful.

We are also thankful for all the prayers and comments that are so encouraging to our family. I cannot begin to tell you how much it has meant to all of us.

Kristy's desire has always been to glorify God with her life. She has specifically felt that God would be exalted through this unexpected and unusual trial. Her faith is touching so many and is even a source of strength for her immediate family.

Yesterday, before Julie returned to Tampa to get her boys back in school, Nicholas, her youngest, got a severe bump on his head with swelling. They came in to tell Kristy goodbye. Though she was extremely drowsy and weak, she stirred enough to gather him in her arms and prayed for healing and blessing.

That is the typical way she has lived her life.

Julie especially needs prayer as she has returned to Tampa and is there alone. She will return here as soon as possible. Please remember her.

We know Jesus is the mighty Healer. We are confident His eye is on Kristy and our family. He watches the sparrows and He clothes the lillies. He watches over us with even more care and diligence.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy is suffering from confusion and memory issues. She will be in the Hospice Center for another day or so.

Brain tumors cause a whole myriad of problems that distort an individuals thought processes. This is not easy for her and is so very hard for us to watch her suffer.

God is our helper. Our trust is in Him and Him alone.

Jennifer stayed the night again, and before I left last evening we prayed and she said over and over how God is so good to her. Her love yet reaches out to others--even though there are times when tumor actions challenge her.

I will be speaking at church this morning and returning to her ASAP. She is resting and had asked me to go to minister to our church family.

Keep Kristy and us in your prayers.

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy rested in the night. We will see as the day progresses how much she has recovered from the confusion and short term memory loss. We do not know if this is brain swelling or tumor growth. The brain swelling can be controlled some so that is our plan.

Brain cancer is horrible. All cancer and illnesses are horrible. There is no good way to look at it, but....

But we know God is with us and will help us. He is the Lord over all.

Last evening just as I was leaving, one of the charge nurses talked with me further about Kristy. I shared bits of her life which gives some background to help. Tears began to slip off her face as she listened to me. Tears of compassion for Kristy. Later I realized they were also tears of compassion for me. She understood.

Jesus wept.

Jesus understands our tears.

Friday, May 02, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Kristy is feeling better. Pain and nausea are under control. She has experienced a digression in memory and is experiencing greater confusion. We are praying that God will give her renewing in her mind and comfort in her heart. We're not sure how long she will be at the Hospice Center. We will wait and watch what happens.

Our daughters and grandchildren arrived this afternoon and she enjoyed seeing them all. She seems to perk up when friends and family come into the room and she certainly enjoyed having her grands with her.

In her typical "Let's Go!" fashion, she wanted to go home when they left. Because of the confusion she couldn't understand why she couldn't go. That's hard.

Last evening when we arrived and I walked into the Center following behind her, I experienced something I never thought I would face. It was a very humbling, heart-rending experience to see the dearest, most precious love of your life taken into Hospice, even for a couple of days.

I'm very thankful that we know the Lord and He comes to help us when we have need.

The events of the last hours have given me new compassion to reach out to others who are hurting. We comfort others with the comfort we have receieved.


Milton, here for Kristy:

Thursday afternoon Kristy got sicker and we transferred her by ambulance to the Mayo Hospice Center to help her get over the nausea and sever headaches. She rested in the night and is better this morning. The goal is to get her stabilized and then return home--in a couple of days.

We feel your prayers and the presence of the Lord. He never fails and is so very faithful. He is our friend and helper.

It is sweet to trust in Jesus.

I stayed the night with her and our daughters and grands will arrive this afternoon.

A few moments ago I told her attending nurses that we are people of faith and believe in healing. I said that we also know that God heals in many ways and that we are not afraid to face the facts of what is happening to Kristy.

They both said, "Can we bottle you and take you around this place."

As we left our home yesterday, I looked out the back of the ambulance as we pulled away wiping hot tears. This isn't easy, but He is with us.

God is our strength and His help is real.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Walking together is the most enjoyable way to stroll. Dreaming life's visions, achieving worthy goals, sharing the joys, and bearing the trials and burdens are what we committed to when we chose to walk together.

That's what we've done. We have walked together--hand in hand and heart to heart.

Holding each other is dearer, more precious now--though it has always been sweet. But now, we have keener perspective and we need each other more than ever.

We will walk together--together through the valley and together to the mountain. That is our life commitment. Nothing has changed except learning and knowing that walking together is all that matters.

How is Kristy?

She is having another very rough, sick day. She has asked the girls to come quickly and they arrive Friday afternoon.

Keep her in your prayers. Please keep us in your prayers.