Monday, April 09, 2007


By Milton Dykes

Kristy is a light packer when it comes to taking trips. That is good news as it relates to having to carry luggage, for I am the one who has to transport all of it. Too many suitcases can make travel a headache. Once I made a trip with our family overseas, and I was the only male member of the group. Being the gentlemen that I am, helping carry all that luggage was a challenge. The only consolation was that thankfully they packed light, and we made it.

Regrettably some people make it a point in life to carry too much baggage in life. I mean they drag all sorts of hurts and issues from the past and never lay them aside. Someone said or did something mean or thoughtless to them. Maybe it was a loved one who passed, and they haven’t been able to get past the normal grieving process. Maybe they were treated harshly growing up. Whatever the hurt, they just keep carrying around all that baggage which makes life too hard to bear. They have been carrying around these heavy bags for years, and they are loaded down by their collection of old burdens. It makes it impossible to live a full and blessed life today.

Paul tells us we should lay aside those weights that entangle us (Hebrews 12:1) He says to forget those things which are behind (Philippians 3:13) Jesus said we would have trials in this life, but we must remember He also said to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Let God give you a new beginning today. Give those hurts and disappointments to Him. He has good things in store for you because He loves you. Lay your baggage from the past aside so God can do a new thing in you.


At 11:55 AM, Blogger PatriciaW said...

A timely message this Easter Monday. I was reminded in service yesterday of how Christ, through his death not only provided forgiveness for our sins but lifted all of our burdens, if we'll only let go. Hallelujah!

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Southern-fried Fiction said...

Thanks, Milton, for the message. Our God is full of grace and mercy.

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

Thanks for your comments!


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