Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It's an Easter bunny cake! Sorta like the one in my neighbor's window, pink ears and all. The kiddies iced it and then took turns drawing the eyes, eyebrows, nose, whiskers, mouth, and teeth.
We had lots of fun Easter weekend.
Eight of us.
A cookout on the deck. Making s'mores with our new s'mores kit. Only it didn't have any chafing fuel. Who cares? We'll toast the marshmallows over the grill. Only the coals were nearly cold. Who cares? We'll toast them in the kitchen over a burner. Yum, yum, when we finally ate them.
Playing ball in the yard. Squishing grapefruit under the grapefruit tree. Yuck! Helping Papa plant a flower garden.
An egghunt. A party. A trip to the zoo. Sunday school and church, complete with a musical drama, as the Easter story was told. The children's hands-on museum. Fun being together.
Thank You, Lord, for Your blessings on me, the song goes.


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