Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

No one is perfect. Only one was sinless and His name is Jesus.

But when I read what Sandra reported in the last post what Kristy "preached" in her Sunday sermon about her being a sinner, it made me take pause. Kristy has lived as pure a life as I have ever known. The list of no no's that we aren't supposed to do I assure you she has kept. I don't know all the internal things going on in her mind, though I have been married to her long enough to just about read it. She is a good woman and has lived a good life. She has honored Christ with her thoughts and words and actions.

She has never been perfect and isn't perfect, but she has given her best to obey His Word and seek first His Kingdom.

I guess what I am trying to convey is that no matter how good we try to be or how good we actually live that we still have a sin problem and need a Savior.

Kristy was honest and humble about it. She said that she had sinned and realized that she needed a Savior.

Praise God that He loves us and that Jesus died so we can be forgiven of all our sins. If we confess our sins he is faithful to forgive us. He will live in us to give us overcoming power to serve Him and live free from sin's hold and bondage.

Christ conquered sin so we could overcome.

Kristy needed a Savior.

We all have sinned and come short.

We all need a Savior.

And, oh, what a Savior He is!


How is Kristy?

She had a good Tuesday and rested in the night except for a brief bout with confusion. It is amazing how she has rallied. We are trusting in One who is able to do exceeding above all we could ask or think.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Carrie Turansky said...

Dear Milton and Kristy,
Kristy's words ring so true! We all need a Savior, and what a wonderful Savior is available to each of us. He stands ready to welcome us into his family and eventually into his eternal home. Please thank Kristy for reminding us of this important truth. I hope many who read this blog will stop and consider His love and forgiveness toward them and their commitment to Him.

May God's comfort and grace carry you both through today. We are praying for you.

Love and prayers from Carrie in NJ

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I watched the video last night it made me think of my sweet grandmother and how to her dying breath she praised the name of Jesus. She was blessed with a long life and how I wish that for Kristy, because this world needs more people like Kristy.

She is special and I pray for you and your family everyday. Yes, we all have sinned and thank God for a savior.

Teresa from Tuscaloosa,Al

At 8:53 PM, Blogger ~ Brandilyn Collins said...

Milton, I've been reading all your and Kristy's posts these months, and continue to pray for you. I just cry and pray. You know all about that more than I. Jesus is still Jesus. His mercy has been so obvious through this blog.

At 6:01 AM, Blogger SRI said...

My absolute favourite hymn is Victory in Jesus, I've never been able to sing the chorus without getting choked up.

His love and grace are amazing. It'll be great to be able to sing in heaven one day with everyone.



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