Friday, February 16, 2007



Do you want a sure-fire way to catch people off-guard? Then keep a smile on your face. You'll get all kinds of responses such as "What are you smiling at?" "Why are you so happy?" It will drive the pessimist wild. It will melt the mood of the sullen. You will receive smiles in return. If you haven't smiled for a while, practice in the mirror. That'll be good for a few laughs!

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

Laughing 100 times a day is equivalent to 10 minutes of exercise on a rowing machine.

The average 4-year-old engages in laughter 400 times a day.

The average adult laughs only 15 times a day.

There are many psychological and physiological benefits of laughter. Called internal jogging, laughter is a great stress reducer

Humor can rescue you from embarrassing situations, according to a study conducted at Michigan State University and Florida State University. It serves as a face-saving device.

Humor can play an important role in recovery from physical illnesses.

The Bible says, "A merry heart does good like a medicine."


Make it a habit to laugh more with your spouse. Before my uncle died, he and my aunt used to sit in the evenings reading joke books aloud to each other and laughing like hyennas. How healthy for a marriage!


The picture, above, is to make you laugh. Practice laughing.


At 10:57 AM, Blogger Demian Farnworth said...

You said, "Laughing 100 times a day is equivalent to 10 minutes of exercise on a rowing machine."

I'm sold! :)

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Kristy Dykes said...

Laugh away, Angie.

It's Saturday evening, and I'm fixing (Southern) to go read Milton some jokes out of our many joke books. We'll get some internal jogging (from laughing)--good exercise, as I said in my post. And since laughter is the shortest distance between two people, well... Well, well.


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