Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Everyone's just left. We had over 30, family from all over the Southeast and some dear church members serving us delish food. We sang the hymns of the church, and during the old-timey fast ones like Victory in Jesus, some of us jumped up and danced out of pure joy. We sang slow ones, too, and because we are a family of Levits :) (meaning we have lots of ministers and wives, we all sing), so it was a wonderful evening. My two siblings and I and our spouses sang a special, Happiness Is To Know the Savior, and then others sang specials, including Pastor Mike and Dana. Powerful, just powefulKNowI'm too tired to think coherently right now, but I can't tell you how much it comforted me to have them all here. Tomorrow, they'll all be at the hospital. My sister is bringing Texas cake to the hospital for everyone to enjoy during the long wait, and also homemade cookies. She's just like me. We're a chip off the old block. Before Pastor Mike played, I sat down and played several numbers and had them join in singing. We cried, we prayed, and we laughed, especially when Pastor Mike did his Johnny Cash and Elvis impressions. Then they took my trusty bottle of roll-on anointing oil inherited from my sweet little Aunt Tine, and they anointed my forehead with oil, according to James 5:14.


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