"When I found the one I love, I held him and would not let him go" (Song of Solomon 3:4). My name is Kristy Dykes, and I write Christian love stories for Barbour Publishing...perhaps because I live with a hero husband. At this site, I cover marriage, romance, and Christian fiction. These book titles make me smile--and offer great truths: Sometimes I Wake Up Grumpy and Sometimes I Let Him Sleep, Love Extravagantly, Every Marriage Is A Fixer-Upper, Red-Hot Monogamy.
This is the mannequin in my neighbor's window (down the street from my house). He stands there day and night, like he's on guard or something. He wears an orange shirt. Viewing it from the street, I thought it was a poncho, but I can now see that it's not. He also wears a big straw hat and sunglasses. It looks like his arms might be folded across his chest.
I read Brandilyn Collins's blog every day, and she occasionally posts a picture of GG, her name for a "gray gorilla" which sits on her neighbor's porch. When I saw her picture, I thought about this mannequin and decided to take his picture and post it.
So yesterday, I stopped my car in front of the house and snapped a picture from my rolled-down window. But I wasn't close enough to get a good picture. So like a burglar on the stealth, I eased out of my car and made my way up to the house. I snapped two or three pictures and fled back to my car, hoping no one would see me.
Two questions:
1. Does anybody have any suggestions as to why this mannequin is in this person's window?
2. Does anybody have a nifty name for him? I've already thought of one. See if you can guess it. Clue #1: Remember, I write fiction. Which leans me to, Clue #2: Think, Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Do you want a sure-fire way to catch people off-guard? Then keep a smile on your face. You'll get all kinds of responses such as "What are you smiling at?" "Why are you so happy?" It will drive the pessimist wild. It will melt the mood of the sullen. You will receive smiles in return. If you haven't smiled for a while, practice in the mirror. That'll be good for a few laughs!
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Laughing 100 times a day is equivalent to 10 minutes of exercise on a rowing machine.
The average 4-year-old engages in laughter 400 times a day.
The average adult laughs only 15 times a day.
There are many psychological and physiological benefits of laughter. Called internal jogging, laughter is a great stress reducer
Humor can rescue you from embarrassing situations, according to a study conducted at Michigan State University and Florida State University. It serves as a face-saving device.
Humor can play an important role in recovery from physical illnesses.
The Bible says, "A merry heart does good like a medicine."
Make it a habit to laugh more with your spouse. Before my uncle died, he and my aunt used to sit in the evenings reading joke books aloud to each other and laughing like hyennas. How healthy for a marriage!
The picture, above, is to make you laugh. Practice laughing.
According to wikipedia.org,
It's the day before Valentine's Day.
It's the week of Valentine's Day.
It's a time for love, a time of reflection about love.
It's also a time to ask forgiveness for the things you've done wrong all year, according to a newspaper article I read. It said husbands can apologize for leaving the toilet seat up or for burping, and wives can apologize for letting their hair clog the drain in the shower or for nagging. This article said, "Husbands and wives, what 'heinous' behavior should you be forgiven for? And--more importantly--what do you think your partner should say he or she is sorry for?"
There are six words in the English language that are hard to utter. "I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" Some people have never said those words. It would break their jaw. The best person in the marriage, however, is the one who will say them, in my opinion.
Maybe you've never said them. Now's your chance.
What do you need to ask forgiveness for?
For starters, if you're the one who has a difficult time saying these words, then say, "I'm sorry that I never say I'm sorry. I'll try to do better this year."
Maybe the writer of this newspaper article is all washed up. Maybe you don't need to say you're sorry because you work at your marriage, and you tend to your faux pas when they happen and don't let them fester.
I hope that's the way it is at your house.
Happy Valentine's Day Eve.
A short article in the newspaper is titled "Forget Claritin, Let's Smooch." It seems a Japanese study reported by the Journal of Psychosomatic Research suggests kissing can help your allergies. Subjects had a significant decrease in allergic reaction after thirty minutes of kissing, compared to kiss-free trials!
I found this comment on my blog yesterday, written by my husband:
How Do I Love Thee?
Let me count the ways...
With joy and thanksgiving,
Through good times and bad times,
By His love and His strength,
For all time and eternity
During laughter and light moments,
Including dreams, desire, and destiny
As best friend and life partner,
Forever my sweetheart.
These are a few ways I love thee.
--- Milton
Made me tear up, reading it. I've been married to him this long, and I didn't even know he was a poet! Oh, but come to think of it, I did know. He's written many beautiful things to me on cards. One of them, I framed and put in my study where I can see it every day.
Oh, how I love that man!