Milton, here for Kristy:
"Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
Just one beer
And you'll never be the same,"
said the vendor at the Atlanta Braves Baseball game Kristy made me go to on our honeymoon. That is a joke, a very little joke. The fact is that she loved me enough to go to the game. We laughed many times over that vendor's jingle.
We spent part of our honeymoon in the big city, and driving through the city, Kristy saw a sign for a ice cream shop.
She said, "I would like some ice cream. There is a shop. Let's get some."
I was in the wrong lane and couldn't get over and before I knew it I had passed the exist and Kristy was hurt.
This beautiful redhead had saved herself for her honeymoon and her man, and by now had given herself to me in the most intimate way and now her man passed by the ice cream exist on "her" honeymoon and didn't buy her some ice cream.
I blew it. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't even speak up and tell her what was happening and that I was nervous driving through the fast lanes of the big city and was in the wrong lane. I should have spoken up and explained. I just thought we'll get some later, and "later" wasn't good enough for a new bride on her honeymoon. I was wrong. I am sorry.
That first argument was more my fault than hers. The good news is that we survived 37 years of marriage and had a ball. Love forgives, though I am not sure it is so easy to forget. All along I heard about passing the exist for ice cream on our honeymoon. How dumb can a new groom be?
The last argument we had was over leaving a tip in a restaurant to a poor waitress. This was one of the last times Kristy and I ate at restaurant together. It was a cheaper place and the cost of the meal wasn't much. I left a generous tip, and as we were leaving, Kristy wanted me to leave a larger tip. I hesitated and we left, She told me later that she felt so sorry for the poor waitress that even though the tip was more than adequate she wanted to leave more. I guess I should have gone back in a left a larger tip, but I really didn't think much about it.
After getting home, Kristy really got upset and her brain was not allowing her to process things well. The tumor was taking over. I tried every way I knew to help her release the issue and it was really a bad scene. Finally she gave it up and loved me and hugged me and said she was sorry for our difference. It really wasn't her fault as the GBM brain tumor was overpowering her.
The good news is that in our first argument and with our last one that our love covered our failures as it did so many times through the years. Marriage is guaranteed to have hard spots, mistakes, and failures, but love is the grace that smooths the way. Love is a decision and an act of the will.
We loved each other until death parted us.
I still love that gal.
All I can think is - what a man to remember the first and last argument. You missed an ice-cream exit, but you never missed the road of love. Till death do you part and then some, still do. How awesome! Kristy was one lucky woman, and you was one lucky man, as they'd say, but it wasn't luck, it was God's divine intervention in bringing you two together.
God bless you.
Your sweet memories remind us to think what our partners could be going through when they miss that ice cream exit.
Our first argument was a doozy--it was because I tried to give you the extra pork chop--remember?
You were a single, starving college student and at our house for a "home cooked" meal. We were still newly weds. I had one pork chop, Ronnie had two and you had two--there was one left on the plate. When Ronnie made his move on the lone chop, I reached for it to give to my "starving" brother. Well, that was the wrong thing! Ronnie said, "I paid for it and I'm going to eat it!" How rude--still riles me...
Thankfully, Ronnie has become a more generous host and I have forgiven him for not giving you the pork chop.
It's true that love covers a multitude of sins!!!
P.S.-Tomorrow you will be 59--I won't!!!
Milton are you getting older tomorrow? or is your sister, Norma, pulling our leg?
Did she say "59"?
If so
Happy Birthday, Milton.
Your almost 60 (in one year).
Who am I?
an old friend, too.
I well remember my first argument with hubby some 28 years ago, but I won't bore you with the details. We've had many since but true love is enough to cover them all.
I had to laugh at your trip to the Braves' game on your honeymoon. My hubby just retired in January and I joined him in February. Part of our retirement plan is to visit all of the major league baseball fields--those we haven't already visited. :) Last month found us at Shea and Yankee stadiums, making sure we didn't miss final season in those arenas. I guess it's a good thing I love baseball.
Hope your birthday is a good one.
Norma, that pork chop story had me laughing out loud.
Happy Birthday to both of my dear brothers . In a few short hours Milton, you will be 59, but I surely won't be for a long time!!! (longer than you, Norma!)
Max will be just a "baby" at 48.
You are not getting older, just better! Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Milton it sure was good to see you again at Trinity and to see how well the comforting arms of Jesus have encompassed you. I have dedicated a phot on my Webshots album Dedications to Kristy as well as attached some prose I wrote in her honor. May it bless you, His Beloved. Tom
The link is,
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