Monday, November 03, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

I know this is a romance blog, but I have a special romance with football in a manly kind of way. Football actually can have a family focus if the man is willing to make the little lady feel included and doesn't forget the kiddies. That is why I included football in the last post, and by the way, I must mention that Alabama is now ranked #1 in the college football polls.

Roll Tide again. 

Yea Alabama, Crimson Tide! 

Now, so what does voting have to do with romance? I am not really sure. I know that love is liberating, kind, and unselfish. It thinks good and not evil. Shouldn't  these virtues come into play with the consequences of how we cast our ballots?

In my opinion we are in a very crucial time in our Nation's history. We are on the verge of becoming a socialistic country incrementally that now may move with increasing speed depending on how this National Election goes. Many of our laws are out of focus encouraging and allowing the bad over the good. 

We must cast our votes for pro-life, pro-marriage between a man and a woman, and anti-wealth redistribution through legalized tax thievery. 

We must cast righteous votes not racial votes. Moral consequences must rise above party affiliations. God isn't Republican, Democratic, or Independent. He is the Sovereign Lord over all. He reigns from first to last from beginning to end before all kingdoms or rulers. He is the Lord of all.

So, how should a romantic vote?

I am glad you asked.

A romantic must vote pro-life, pro-marriage between a man and a woman, and pro-work ethic with trust in God rather than the power brokers of politics.

Who should receive your vote?

Cast a righteous ballot that you will be pleased to show Jesus when you stand before Him.


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Missy said...

Bravo....wonderful post and very good to hear! I really enjoy how you put things. If Ohio wasn't so far from Florida, I would love to come and hear you preach!!!

Thank you for this post. I needed to see it today!

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Karen Eve said...

Amen Milton. I've already voted and now I'm praying. May God bless America in this election.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Robin Bayne said...

Couldn't agree more!

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preach it, brother!

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I totally agree. We have already voted and are now praying for others to make a Godly choice.

Trk N 4 JC

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend's church is having a prayer vigil tonight. All we can do is pray and leave it up to him.


At 8:38 PM, Blogger Gayle said...

Preach it, and amen. I voted early. Praying for a righteous victory.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Jesus avoided politics because he was not of this world. I think we have an obligation to vote as citizens of this great country. But I refuse to believe that Jesus would have been out campaigning for any of the candidates.



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