Friday, June 27, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

Marriage is a life of constant adjustment. Problems arise when neither partner is willing to give or one partner pushes the other. Differences are inevitable so successful marriages learn the art of give and take and compromise.

Here is a post Kristy wrote about me back in November of 2006.

Change can happen. It happens best when hearts melt together.


Kristy, here from November 2006:

Late in the afternoon, Milton popped in our Masterpiece Theatre DVD of Pollyanna. His sisters sprawled in front of the TV with him watching it, and everybody else in the huge great room did too. Pollyanna is a good movie to watch on Thanksgiving.

This version is nearly as good as Anne of Green Gables (though not nearly as long), and the theme is being thankful--"glad," Pollyanna called it. Pollyanna's father was a mission pastor, and he'd requested a doll for Pollyanna in the mission barrel. Instead of a doll, the ladies' aid society sent a pair of crutches. She was disappointed, and he taught her a valuable lesson about being thankful (glad) in the bad or unpleasant times of our lives. "What's there to be glad about getting a pair of crutches?" she asked him. He thought a moment and said, "Well, at least you don't have to use them."

She transformed a whole town with her glad game, even the preacher when he was upset at the ladies for wanting to have Sunday school on Tuesday. He was tempted to preach a vindictive sermon, and Pollyanna "preached" at him instead. She told him the words "Rejoice and be glad" were in the Bible 800 times, and if God said them that many times, then we should be glad in all things.

It's funny about my husband watching Pollyanna. He's become a romantic soul at last. He actually enjoys watching chick flicks with me. He occasionally rents or checks out from the library light love stories for us to watch together such as Pride and Prejudice and other Jane Austen stories, etc. He selects them--him, this football fanatic!

And every time Ever After comes on TV, he watches it all the way through. Jennifer, our daughter, chuckled about that the other day when I was in Puerto Rico with her--how many times Milton's seen Ever After.

So if you're in a mode in your marriage where you wonder if you and your husband will ever have anything in common, take heart. There's a melding and melting of hearts as time passes, and it's refreshing.

Watching chick flicks is just one thing we've come to enjoy together. There are lots of others. We love to visit museums and historic churches, and we enjoy biking and walking together, and we love picnics, especially on the beach which is nearby, and...


How is Kristy?

She had a sleepy Thursday and moderate pain. We have had to adjust her meds some. She is in good spirits and we are trusting in God's loving care.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger Carrie Turansky said...

You two are a great example of hearts melted together! I loved the wisdom in Kristy's post. We can all learn and grow in our marriages, no matter how long we have been married. Scott and I celebrating 30 years this September, and there is still so much to learn and appreciate about him.

I am praying for you, asking God to reach down and show you signs of His goodness today.

Love and prayers,
Carrie in NJ

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Mary Connealy said...

Hi, you were on my mind today. God bless you all.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Southern-fried Fiction said...

How good to see one of Kristy's old posts. :) In our marriage, I'm the one who changed as far as watching goes. I now watch all teh sports, but I draw the line at those adventure movies. :D

As always, I pray each day for y'all.

At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're trusting with you in God's loving care. And we are still believing in a miracle healing for beautiful Kristy. Still, we know that 'absent from the body is present with the Lord!' We thank our loving God for the sacrifice of His son, Jesus. We thank the Dykes family for sharing their journey of faith, hope, and love. You've been an inspiration to us in so many ways.

God's abundant blessings,
Nancy & family

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I love this post of Kristy's. My husband and I have also experienced this melding of interests--he, too, will watch my Jane Austen DVDs with me, and even other period flicks that might be considered by many to be "chick flicks." On the other hand, I have grown to enjoy a good adventure/suspense as much as he does. We have both broadened our horizons as a result of the other's influence, and isn't this a beautiful picture of marriage? Thank you Kristy, for your warm, wise and wonderful posts.
I think of you often, and remember you in prayer.


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