Milton, here for Kristy:
We sat at the end of breakfast with Mother holding the Bible reading the Scriptures for the day. Then she turned to the devotional book they are using. The Scripture reading and prayers took me back many, many years back to childhood days....
Wow! This is some picture. I took this picture without them knowing it.
It did not matter if the bus was honking its horn or not. We didn't leave the house until Scripture reading and prayers took place. It was that way every day rain or shine, cold or hot, good day or bad day.
We began every day with prayer and that made a difference in my life and the lives of my siblings. They all would say it. Prayers got us through the tough times.
Over and over prayer saw us through. I remember when I was thirteen and Dad was in the hospital and had a heart arrest for over five minutes. We weren't sure what was going to happen and what kind of quality of life he would have. Though Mom and Dad were at the hospital us kids were at home with our Granny Dykes, we still prayed and we prayed hard. God heard and Dad recovered and hasn't had that problem again. God is faithful.
Prayer blesses families. It changes lives. It makes a way in the impossible. It guides and releases grace. Prayers of Mom's and Dad's bring the prodigals home. They release blessings and deliverance from curses.
What greater gift could a parent give a child than their faithful, continuous prayers? This picture today is a classic that shows lives lived out with love and faith. Mom and Dad prayed and God was faithful to answer. They have prayed for us kids all the days of our lives. I will never forget their faithfulness to us.
Maybe someone reading this today will begin a life of committed prayer with and for their family like my Mom and Dad have done all these years. I pray so.
I pray daily, too. This is how I begin my morning upon getting out of bed. I taught my little sister to pray when we were kids, and I pray for each one of my children each and every single day. Pray works. I used to say wishes didn't come true, but prayers do. I remember telling people to quit wishing and try praying. You've written a beautiful testimony to the faithfulness of your parents and how their prayers have been answered and helped you. I pray it does help those who may not turn to prayer begin to do so. Prayer is talking to God and having a personal relationship with Him. In times of need, I know I'll feel His Holy Spirit, the comforter He sends me, and it feels like a hand upon my shoulder. When we give our children the best gift of all prayer, God returns that gift to us tenfold.
Blessings and peace,
I'll have an article coming out in March in Christian Fiction Online Magazine. It was an assigned article on POD publishing vs traditional publishing. If anyone is interested, you can search for Christian Fiction Online Magazine. Two talented writers and gifted speakers share their POD publishing success. One of them is traditionally and POD published. I know many people have questions about the POD publishing. I know you're interested in writing, so I thought I'd share the information. One of the authors has a book reviewed on my blog, the book the article talks about I like the picture of your parents reading the Bible. I read mine daily, too, in the morning and in the evening.
Blessings and hope you can find helpful information to guide you on your writing journey.
I don't recall a morning that my father's prayers didn't wake me up, and we weren't allowed to go to bed until we'd had family prayer together. I didn't understand it then, but looking back I see what a wonderful tradition it was.
Yes, this picture brings back memories of every morning as we grew up. I remember getting nervous thinking we would surely miss the bus...we never did!
We will probably find out in heaven what those prayers did for us, what they kept us from, what provision was made for us...
We did the same routine as our kids grew up. I remember one particular morning when Bryan was 16 years old. He was so unhappy when we moved him to a new town away from his friends. We knew he had no one to talk to in the neighborhood or at school. So, when he left the house that morning, we knelt by the kitchen table and prayed that God would bring someone to be his friend that day.
When he came home from school that afternoon, he said the strangest thing happened at lunch that day. He said three kids came up to him and said we want to be your friend! They did become his friends from that day on because they persisted.
Parents prayers are heard!
It has been said, "Prayer is the Spiritual breath of our spiritual life." Both Louise and I grew up in homes with family altars.
I recall a young sailor, in my barracks at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL during WW11, approaching me one night and asking if I was a Christian. I replied yes. He said, I thought you are because I have watched you read your Bible and kneel by your bunk each night to pray. Then he said, "Will you pray with me, I want to be saved." I did and God wonderfully saved him and he lived the remainder of his life for the Lord.
What a privelege we have to take it to the Lord in prayer.
Oscar and Louise Dykes
What a beautiful, godly legacy. What examples to us all!
I would love to sit with them and have the pray for my husband and I. Both of us are out of work because of the shifting economy. I don't know what we're going to do. It's depressing and and sad. Weare Christians and we know that everything happens fora reason but we don't know what we will do to keep from sinking. No jobs and lots of people in the same boat.
Would you please pray for our future? We are secure in Jesus but very insecure in every other way right now. it's scary.
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