Thursday, November 13, 2008


Milton, here for Kristy:

I talked with Claudia, my four year old granddaughter, on Tuesday morning for a few moments. She shared her desire to get a balloon and put a bunch of hearts on a note and release the balloon into the sky. She wants the note to go to heaven to Nana.

Jennifer told me that they are going to do that and will soon. Four year olds have unique ways to deal with their loss of loved ones--as I guess we all do. The amazing part of her desiring to seen a balloon to Nana is that it was solely her idea. No one suggested doing this to her. She just knew Nana was in heaven way up there somewhere and she wanted to send a note of love up there to her.

We are all transitioning through this process with healing and pain all together. The holidays are coming and I usually host some parties at our house, but I don't have any plans to do that this year. The girls and I are all meeting for Christmas in San Juan and before that I will be at Tricia's for Thanksgiving like we have done for a number of years.

I can tell this is going to be a tough few weeks, but I know God will help me through it. He has been with me each step of the way. He will not fail.

The Lord has been sending help in the most unusual ways. Wednesday, I had a counseling appointment with a Dr. who was a professor from way back in my college days. His first wife passed many years ago and he is a minister. As a christian pychologist, minister, and widower from his first wife, he offered unique insight to me and my journey. He also affirmed some things in my life that are helping release and move me toward toward healing, wellness, and a future. 

Every day I am getting better and know there is a future and a hope for me. God is doing amazing and unique things in my life. He is growing me into the fullness of His plan and will. I will trust Him for He knows best.


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Claudia's idea for getting a note to Heaven! And I applaud Jennifer for doing it. It will be very healing for everyone.

Beth S.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger B. J. Robinson said...

There's a saying mother knows best, but Father knows best. Claudia is a unqiue four-year old. What an idea! How sweet and precious. I think it will help her and everyone who participates. God bless, Barb

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that childlike faith is so amazing and it helps us all heal.
we love you and are praying for you.

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When my daughter was Claudia's age, we lived overseas in an apartment three stories up. She asked if she could give God a penny, because she wanted him to use it to help someone.
She wanted to put it on the windowsill, which was quickly building up with snow.

We did that, and the next morning it was gone. (I'd thought about taking it myself so her young faith wouldn't be crushed if she saw it there, but asked God to do his work instead.)

Sweet innocent children. They teach us so much about trust.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger No Name said...

Jeremiah 29:11. (Verses 12 and 13 are awesome, too.)

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Carrie Turansky said...

Hi Milton,
I was so encouraged to hear that the Lord is providing time with your Dr./friend who can relate and support you on your journey. He sounds like someone who has walked down this road can share a unique perspective and godly encouragement. God is good. He is faithful to provide for our needs. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Claudia's idea of sending a balloon with a loving message to Kristy is so sweet. What a tender heart she has.

I am thinking of you and praying for you this evening.
Carrie in NJ

At 4:21 AM, Blogger Rambling On said...

Milton, one of my books tells the story of how my sweet daughter informed me one morning on the way to kindergarten that all of the helium balloons that got away went up to heaven to make "all the little children in heaven happy." It's amazing, the insight of children.

I'm glad to hear you had a counseling session with a friend. Those can be so helpful.


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