Milton, here for Kristy:
"When I found the one I love, I held him and would not let him go" (Song of Solomon 3:4). My name is Kristy Dykes, and I write Christian love stories for Barbour Publishing...perhaps because I live with a hero husband. At this site, I cover marriage, romance, and Christian fiction. These book titles make me smile--and offer great truths: Sometimes I Wake Up Grumpy and Sometimes I Let Him Sleep, Love Extravagantly, Every Marriage Is A Fixer-Upper, Red-Hot Monogamy.
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Kristy planned everything. She never let anything get by her without focusing on the details. That held true even in her dying process. Kristy told me what to do with her clothes and her jewelry. She always had a plan.
She sat me down and told me that life would go on even after she passed. I begged her to stop talking about life after Kristy, but she felt had to tell me it was OK to live and enjoy life. I couldn't’ bear hearing those words. It was painful beyond description, but she loved me and wanted the very best for me.
I really can’t believe that I am sitting alone typing these words. She is supposed to be here. I am not supposed to be by myself. This wasn’t in the life outline we had written. It is like the road I’m traveling has led to a darkened night, and I just drove off a cliff and am on a free fall.
But I know God’s hand will reach out to catch me. Kristy and I lived almost 37 years with simple faith that He would work all things for our good. She knew that in time through God’s healing hand that I would be able to go forward in life.
These last weeks I have been surrounded by loving family and dear friends. I have made new friends in my travels too. But I felt a need to get alone by myself for a couple of days. I looked on the Internet for B&B’s in New Bern and found the Harmony House Inn so I have been here reflecting and sorting out things in my mind.
I am sitting on the front porch of the B&B watching joggers run by, and visitors strolling up the street. A lady just got out of her SUV with a work bag and headed into the residence next door. Life goes on.
That is the point. Life goes on. Kristy knew that and she tried to prepare me. Tears are flowing down my cheek--hot tears, loving tears, lonely tears.
Where is she? Why can’t she come back? How long will I hurt? This is too painful. We’ve tried to live right and do right. Why do bad things have to happen to people that have tried to do right?
I can still see Kristy’s loving eyes looking at me trying to prepare me for today. She did love me. Oh, how she loved me, and oh, how I loved her.
Her words still ring in my hears, “Milton, you can make it. God will help you.”
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Twinkie, Twinkie, little cake
How I wonder how much I ate?
Up above the pounds I need to weigh
Like a magnet oh so great
Twinkie, Twinkie, little cake
How I wonder how much I ate?
When I preach my three point theological, apoligetical sermon entitled “The Great Twinkie Tragedy” this can be the poem for the second point. Doesn’t every boring sermon need a poem?
I think this twinkie stuff has become a distraction.
Boy when I return to Jacksonville, I am going to be some kind of preacher!
I will post later this morning more on the Twinkie Trail in Rocky Mount.
Milton, here for Kristy:
Kristy loved chocolate. All her family loves chocolate. Her nana made this best chocolate pie in the world and then Rebecca took up the standard when their nana passed.
Let’s hear it for chocolate!
I’m not going to become a rollie pollie kind of guy. I’ve always kept in reasonably descent shape, but this twinkie stuff is ruining everything.
Tennis, bicycling, running, walking, yard work, basketball and all other sports have been part of my lifestyle, but I have been on a nine month roller coaster that has altered every part of my life and changed every routine.
I’ve done the 15 K (9.3) River Run in Jacksonville a number of times until that last two years and plan on running the next race in March or whenever it is. I’ve always finished in the top 3rd of the runners and haven’t thrown up yet. Sorry for that info. The lack of running contrasted against the increase of twinkies does not make for a good equation.
So, how did I get hooked on Twinkies? Is it comfort food, or part of this a romantic osmosis I’ve gone through? Or some kind of temptation in the wilderness? Or am I just confused? Don’t answer that last one.
Well, the twinkie trail has led to Rocky Mount, NC, to visit Uncle Junior, one of my dad’s brothers. Aunt Helen cooked the most delicious meal you could imagine and topped it off with Granny Dykes’ pecan pie. Wow! That should free me from twinkies.
Now, don’t sit there so smug like you don’t have some kind of twinkie problem. I’ll deal with my twinkies and you can deal with....
Maybe I’ll become a twinkie theologian or apologist. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word....and an occasional twinkie. Oops.
My grandfather Dykes died when dad was four years old. Dad was one of nine children that Granny Dykes raised alone during the great depression. Can you imagine? She made it without her spouse and if she made it then by His grace I can make it too.
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Hey, a bluetooth, that's like the newest thing in tatoos. They tatoo one or both of your front teeth blue. Of course you can also get tooth jewelry, like a little diamond put on your tooth, but I've heard they tend to come off when you eat corn on the cobb.
Can't wait for that to hit the church. Ha!
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Milton, here for Kristy:
Last night I was reading a Children's Bible my mom bought Claudia before she got sick.We just finished reading My Little Pony and Claudia picked out her Bible and opened up to the Parable of the Pearl (Matthew 13:45-46.)
I was amazed this story was the one she picked and felt it was God speaking to us through his Word. In bold letters the story topic read: Heaven is more wonderful than anything on earth. We should let nothing on earth keep us from heaven. I will thank God for making heaven for me!
The next story she picked was the parable of the net (Matthew 13:47-50.) In bold the topic read: All Christians will go to heaven. Heaven is a wonderful place. I love God. I will go to heaven!
Two stories on the topic of heaven, direct from the Word, written so children can understand and see pictures and from the very Bible my mother picked out for Claudia!
Heaven has been a hot topic for Claudia lately. She's fascinated with it and trying with her little mind to understand.We talk often how nana is in heaven. Nana had her birthday party in heaven with Jesus (August 2nd) and we pray every night for nana. We pray: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for this day. God bless nana in heaven." We've always prayed for our family each night and after nana died, there was a giant hole in our prayers.
How could not pray for nana? God put it into my heart that we can pray for her, for her blessings in heaven with Him!
Milton, here for Kristy:
Nana has gotten her reward. We know that and we can't add anything to or take away her reward by our prayers, but little children can learn along the way and that is exactly what is happening in their lives. It helps them to know that Nana is OK with Jesus. He is taking care of her.