Milton, Here for Kristy:I have asked Terry, Kristy's brother, to write an account of a most precious time with Kristy that happened Monday. As the day ended Julie, Terry, Rebecca, Jennifer in Puerto Rico by phone, and I shared in these tender moments with Kristy.
Kristy awakened this morning brighter and hungry. God's presence is in her room and His glory is touching our lives.

(This picture was taken on Saturday afternoon just before Julie took Alex and Nic back to Tampa. Julie returned and is here with us.
Terry, here:Yesterday Kristy was weaker and, except for one episode, more sedate. The episode I refer to began with a bout of nausea. When we tried to give her medicine to address that, she became agitated. In her mental confusion she couldn't seem to understand why she needed the medicine, and refused it. We even put the medicine in some food and she refused that as well.
Because Kristy has had such peace and serenity throughout this ordeal, times like this are all the more difficult for us as her family. We felt so helpless – wanting to relieve her suffering, but not able to. My sister, Rebecca, left the room momentarily to call Hospice for their advice. The rest of us were standing around Kristy's bed, silently wondering what would happen next. Tension hung in the air. Then, Kristy shifted her head and with a far-away look and a weakened voice that was little more than a whisper, began to sweetly sing,
"This is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Oh, this is the day that the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord."
Instantly the tension broke and tears began to flow from our eyes as the presence of the Lord filled the room. We joined in singing with her:
"Celebrate the presence of the Lord;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Oh, celebrate the presence of the Lord;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord."
Truly the presence of the Lord is our comfort. We will make it if He is with us. When He comes, the crushing weight of the burden lifts. We don't so much need what He can do for us. We just need Him. "Yea, though I walk through the valley…I will fear no evil for Thou art with me."
After this incident Kristy slept most of the day, showing little response. Later, in the evening, I stood at her bed again and told her I loved her. Then I asked if there was anything I could do for her. Suddenly her eyes shone with the light of realization, and she began to cry. "This is my time," she said. "Help me… (mumble, mumble) … not be afraid."
I said, "Kristy, are you afraid?"
"No," she said, "…but ya'll…"
"You want us not to be afraid?" I asked.
I said, "Kristy, do you have peace?"
"Oh, yes!" Though her voice was weak, she spoke with conviction.
About that time Milton walked in and began to tell her how much he loved her. She responded in kind, then asked us to call Rebecca and Julie. We all gathered around. Julie called Jennifer and put her on the speaker phone. And Kristy told us how much she loved us and appreciated us all, and asked us to tell all the members of our family how much she loved them.
Again the tears were flowing. What I felt during these moments was a mixture of joy and pain: Joy over her simple, sweet faith in Jesus that erupts in a song even in her darkest moments. Joy over her constant concern for everyone else's comfort and encouragement. And pain – exquisite pain – pain that stabs at your heart like a knife, because you can't bear the thought of letting her go, this priceless jewel.
Again we sang "This is the day the Lord has made…". Then, Milton led us in a prayer for Kristy and all of the family and we had a time of sweet worship.
Julie and Jennifer were able to share their love with their mother and Kristy expressed over and over her love for all of us.
Kristy spoke what has become her mantra, "God is sooooo good!", and we all rejoiced in the goodness of the Lord.