Milton, here for Kristy:
Sunday morning began with uncertainty. What would the day hold? For two hours or more I watched beside Kristy's bed. I called and had others lead our morning worship service and stayed with her and prayed and waited. She had experienced an extremely rough Saturday and had become somewhat unresponsive. There was much concern.
Sometime around 10:30 to 11:00 AM Sunday morning, things changed for the good. For twenty hours or more Kristy had almost no liquids, a fever, and severe confusion. She wouldn't or couldn't take food or water. Last night the hospice nurse was very concerned and not optimistic about what the next day would offer.
Then Kristy wanted water. She began to smile. She began to get clearer in her thoughts. It was as if a miracle was occurring.
I had kissed her during this darkness. A weak, gentle, loving kiss was her only response for hours. But, oh, how sweetly she kissed me back. I told her that she had always been such a great kisser. (Read her past articles on husbands and wives kissing and you'll understand her passion for romance more.)
These were moment to sweet to explain.
Sunday afternoon, a kind couple brought food after church for lunch. They hugged Kristy and told us they had brought fried chicken to eat. As they left Kristy's room, Kristy said, "I want some fried chicken to eat."
She had not eaten or drank for hours and now she craved fried chicken. Now this is a true Southern Belle pastor's wife for sure!
Later Aunt Joe and her two daughters, Jan and Pam, came to visit. Kristy always perks up for them. She smiled and weakly shared her love. We laughed and told family funnies and had a big time with Kristy grinning right along with us.
Then, I decided to tell Pam, Jan, and Aunt Joe about a funny music tape we have. I told them that we played it through the years when we needed a good laugh.
Now, get that religious smirk off your face or just stop reading if you can't stand a little carnality.
The name of one of the songs is "Heaven Yes, Hell No!"
That's right. I said, "Heaven Yes, Hell No!"
Man, we have laughed over that one. I don't cuss, but we sure like singing the lyrics.
Then I told them another one entitled, "I Thank God for the Preacher, Who Scared Hell Out of Me," and I sang a bit of it.
All of a sudden Kristy spoke up and said, "You have to put a "break" in it."
We all looked at her, but I knew what she was thinking from past times we shared together. I didn't know what she would or could do though.
Then she starts singing it, "I Thank God for the Preacher,
Who Scared Hell Out of Me!"
We rolled on the floor laughing. It was too funny.
I had gone from early morning wonder?--to sweetness--and now to a moment too funny to truly describe.
As everyone left the room, I held Kristy's hand and sat with her. Time passed. Then I thought I'll play the Scripture readings I have on my Ipod. The Scriptures began to flow. Verses about life, healing, and God's love.
"Amen!" Kristy would whisper.
"Yes," she would say.
"Do you like hearing these verses," I asked.
"They are wonderful," she responded.
So sacred the day ended.